
USD $2,665,000
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This commercial property is located on a canal and is one-of-a-kind as it comes with a 160' dock. This property is situated in Cayman's only canal-front commercial subdivision and is incredibly versatile, making it an excellent investment opportunity. It can be developed into a clubhouse with a dock and boat access, car storage for second homeowners, personal or public warehousing, or even the ultimate man cave location! The current owner has approved planning permission for a mixed-use development with a center tower and two side buildings. The two side buildings will have eight garages each, totaling 16 garages, with the four end garages having private bathrooms. The property is ready to go, and the owner already has a red card in hand. This property is ideal for boat captains, pilots, and service staff. You can drive for two minutes to reach your dock and arrive at your estate home by sea. Your captains can return to their private studios to await your next adventure. The property offers breathtaking views and easy access to the Nor Sound, making it an incredibly unique offering. If you are interested in exploring the possibilities this property has to offer, please feel free to call us.

Property Details

Property type Commercial
Address View map
USD $2,665,000
MLS# / Listing ID 412864
Lot Size 0 acres
1862 m2


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